Prof. Michal Ben-Shachar
2015-16: Visiting Scholar, Stanford University (Psychology; Developmental and behavioral pediatrics)
2013: Senior lecturer with tenure, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Bar Ilan University
2008-2012: Lecturer (tenure track), Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Bar Ilan University
2008-2014 (summers): Visiting Scholar, Stanford University
2007-2008 Research Associate, Psychology Department and Developmental and behavioral pediatrics, Stanford University
2004-2007 Postdoctoral fellow, Psychology Department, Stanford University
2005 PhD awarded by Tel Aviv University
1998 MA in Cognitive Psychology, Tel Aviv University
1992-1996 Undergraduate studies in the Interdisciplinary program for outstanding students, Tel Aviv University
We study brain systems that underlie language processing in healthy and atypical populations, by combining cognitive measurements, diffusion MRI and fMRI. The underlying premise guiding our research is that most aspects of language and reading, even fine linguistically defined processes, are achieved via elaborate processing pathways, not by a single cortical hotspot. We quantify structural properties of these pathways with dMRI and relate them to cognitive function through behavioral and fMRI measurements in individual participants.
Last Updated Date : 09/11/2022