Dr. Paul Sharp
Our lab uses diverse methods, including computational models and neuroimaging, to understand human learning and planning. We draw from reinforcement learning to model these processes and their breakdown in psychopathology.
Significant publications:
- Sharp, PB. Anxiety involves altered planning. (2024). Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
- Sharp, PB, Eldar, E. (2024). Humans adaptively deploy forward and backward prediction. Nature Human Behaviour.
- Sharp PB, Russek, E., Huys, Q., Dolan RJ, Eldar E. (2022). Humans perseverate on punishment avoidance goals in multigoal reinforcement learning. eLife.
Sharp, PB. Anxiety involves altered planning. In press at Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Sharp, PB, Eldar, E. (2024). Humans adaptively deploy forward and backward prediction. Nature Human Behaviour.
Sharp PB, Fradkin I, Eldar E. Hierarchical inference as a source of human biases. (2023).
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Solomyak, L, Sharp PB, Eldar E. Training diversity promotes absolute-value-guided choice. (2022).
PLOS Computational Biology.
Sharp PB, Russek, E., Huys, Q., Dolan RJ, Eldar E. (2022). Humans perseverate on punishment avoidance goals in
multigoal reinforcement learning. eLife.
Sharp PB, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. Disrupted state transition learning as a computational marker of compulsivity. (2021).
Psychological Medicine.
Sharp PB, Do KT, Lindquist KA, Prinstein MJ, Telzer EH. Cognitive control deployment is flexibly modulated by social
value in early adolescence. (2021). Developmental Science.
Thomas, J.G., Sharp PB, Niznikiewicz M, Heller W. Beyond the Placebo: A Double-Blind Randomized Control Trial
of Expectation as a Mechanism of Therapeutic Change. (2021).Psychotherapy Research.
Sharp PB,Miller, GA, Dolan RJ, Eldar E. (2020). Towards formal models of psychopathological traits that explain
symptom trajectories.BMC Medicine.
Do KT*, Sharp PB*, Telzer EH (2020). Modernizing conceptions of valuation and cognitive control deployment in
adolescent risk taking. Current Directions in Psychological Science.
Sharp PB, Eldar E. Computational models of anxiety: Nascent efforts and future directions. (2019). Current Directions
in Psychological Science.
Thomas JG , Sharp PB. Mechanistic science: A new approach to comprehensive psychopathology research that
relates psychological and biological phenomena. (2019). Clinical Psychological Science.
Sharp PB, Miller, GA. Reduction and autonomy in psychology and neuroscience: A call for pragmatism. (2019).
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
Sharp PB, Sutton BP, Paul EJ, Sherepa N, Cohen NJ, Hillman CH, Kramer AF, Prakash R, Heller W, Telzer EH, Barbey
AK. (2018). Mindfulness training induces structural connectome changes in insula networks. Scientific Reports.
Sharp PB, Telzer EH. (2017). Structural connectomics of anxious arousal in early adolescence: Translating clinical
and ethological findings. NeuroImage: Clinical.
Sharp PB, Heller W, Telzer EH. (2017). Selective neural sensitivity to familial threat in adolescents with weak family
bonds. Social Neuroscience.
Sharp PB, Miller GA, Heller W. (2015). Transdiagnostic dimensions of anxiety: Neural mechanisms, executive functions,
and new directions. International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Last Updated Date : 22/01/2025