Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center

Established in 1998, the Interdisciplinary Program in Brain Sciences at Bar Ilan University is the first undergraduate neuroscience program in Israel.
This unique program provides students with comprehensive and multidisciplinary knowledge in life sciences and behavioral sciences, computer sciences, physics, chemistry, psychology, and cognitive sciences, as well as basic and advanced courses in brain sciences.

Find out what's going on
Get to know The Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center
The Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center at Bar-Ilan University brings together researchers in a variety of fields which are essential to understanding the brain, including psychology, physics, linguistics, computing and biology.
Academic Staff
Research: We study some of the basic yet still unresolved questions in neuroscience: How do neurons process information? What is the neuronal code at the…
Cognitive Neuroscience Research Fields
Among research directions in our laboratory are mechanisms of decision making,…
64 Channel Wireless Electroencephalogram - EEG Scientific Instrument
EEG ןד  non-invasive brain imaging  method. Our 64 Channel wireless…