היחידה לדימות מוח אלקטרומגנטי
פרופ' אבי גולדשטיין
Emotion, Motivation, Synchrony
- Neural correlates of vicarious pain perception
- Facial expression processing in social anxiety
- Brain responses to death related stimuli and mortality salience
- Brain responses to visual food cues…

At the Electromagnetic Brain Imaging Unit we use electrical and magnetic measures of brain activity in order to understand how the brain works, and in particular, how our mental activity is related to neural mechanisms.
Being the only MEG setup in Israel, the lab is intended to operate as a national center and is open to interested researchers in the country. It has all the facilities needed to perform state-of-the-art research for neuroscience and cognitive studies.

תחומי מחקר
שיטות מחקר
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 12/02/2024