פרופ' ברוך ברזל

ראשי מעבדות מחקר
בנין 901 חדרים 8,9
    קורות חיים

    Full CV: https://www.barzellab.com/cv


    Ph.D.  Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

    M.Sc.  Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


    Senior Lecturer   (Assist. Prof.) Bar-Ilan University, Mathematics Department, Israel

    Core faculty member Bar-Ilan Data Science Institute​


    2016 Visiting Professor | Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

    ​2015 Visiting Professor | Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

    ​2013 –2014 Postdoctoral Research Associate | Channing Division of Network Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

    ​2010 –2013 Postdoctoral Research Associate | Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.​


    2019 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, Wolf Foundation

    2019 Rector Prize for Scientific Innovation

    2018 Outstanding lecturer award

    2017 - 2018 ERASMUS Plus grant for exchange of knowledge and travel

    2007 - 2010 The Harry and Sylvia Hoffman Leadership & Responsibility Program

    2007 Giulio Racah award for excellence in research, Israel

    2005 - 2010 Outstanding teacher award (5 consecutive years), Hebrew University of Jerusalem ​




    Dynamics of Complex Networks

    Statistical physics is the theory of interacting particles, gases and liquids. Its way of thought, however, goes beyond the domain of material science. In a broader perspective it provides us with a bridge between the microscopic description of a system and its observed macroscopic behavior. With it we can track the way in which system-level phenomena emerge from the mechanistic description of the system’s interacting components. For instance how the blind interactions between pairs of magnetic spins lead to the seemingly cooperative phenomena of magnetism.

    At CND we develop the statistical physics of complex systems: our interacting particles are not atoms or spins, but rather genes, proteins, animal species or humans. We track the way in which individual human interactions lead to the spread of ideas, perceptions and also diseases, or how biochemical reactions between proteins transfer information between cellular components. These systems defy many of the classic principles that are central to the way physics is traditionally done. The particles are self-driven and non-Newtonian, the interactions are nonlinear and the underlying geometry in random, highly irregular and non-localized. In two words – complex systems.

    With these challenges at hand, we find that the dynamic behavior of these complex systems – social, biological or technological – can be predicted, analyzed and understood using the tools and way of thought of statistical physics.


    The metastability of the double-tripod gate in insect locomotion

    Eran Reches, Daniel Knebel, Amir Ayali and Baruch Barzel

    iScience 12, 53


    Spatio-temporal propagation of signals in complex networks

    Chittaranjan Hens, Uzi Harush, Reuven Cohen and Baruch Barzel

    Nature Physics 15, 403


    Perfect synchronization in networks of phase-frustrated oscillators

    Prosenjit Kundu, Chittaranjan Hens, Baruch Barzel and Pinaki Pal

    Europhysics Letters,120, 40002


    Synchronization of chaotic systems - a microscopic description

    Nir Lahav, Irene Sendiña Nadal, Chittaranjan Hens, Baruch Ksherim, Baruch Barzel, Reuven Cohen Havlin and Stefano Boccaletti

    Physical Review E 98, 052204


    Patterns of information flow in complex networks.

    Uzi Harush and Baruch Barzel

    Nature Communications 8, 2181


    Universal resilience patterns in complex networks

    Jianxi Gao, Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási

    Nature 530, 307


    Spectrum of controlling and observing complex networks

    Gang Yan, Georgios Tsekenis, Baruch Barzel, Yang-Yu Liu, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine and Albert-László Barabási

    Nature Physics 11, 779


    Constructing minimal models for complex system dynamics

    Baruch Barzel, Yang-Yu Liu and Albert-László Barabási

    Nature Communications 6, 7186


    Universality in network dynamics

    Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási

    Nature Physics 9, 673-681


    Network link prediction by global silencing of indirect correlations

    Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási

    Nature Biotechnology 31, 720-725


    Stochastic analysis of complex reaction networks using binomial moment equations

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Physical Review E 86, 031126-38


    Binomial moment equations for stochastic reaction systems

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Physical Review Letters 106, 150602-05


    Dimensional reduction of the master equation for stochastic chemical networks: The reduced-multiplane method

    Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham, Raz Kupferman, Azi Lipshtat and Amir Zait

    Physical Review E 82, 021117-28


    Quantifying the connectivity of a network - The network correlation function method

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Physical Review E, 80, 046104-14


    Stochastic analysis of dimerization systems

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Physical Review E, 80, 031117-30


    Incorporation of stochastic chemistry on dust grains in the Meudon PDR code using moment equations

    Franck Le-Petit, Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham, Evelyne Roueff and Jacques Le-Bourlot

    Astronomy and Astrophysics 505, 1153-1165


    Calculation of switching times in the genetic toggle switch and other bi-stable systems

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Physical Review E 78, 041919-26


    Simulations of water-ice formation on dust grains using moment equations

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    In Proceeding of the International Workshop on Molecules in Space & Laboratory, Paris, France, (May 14-18, 2007). Eds.: J.L. Lemaire and F. Combes, 425-430


    Efficient stochastic simulations of complex reaction networks on surfaces

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 144703


    Efficient simulations of interstellar gas-grain chemistry using moment equations

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Astrophysical Journal Letters, 658, L37-L40


    Evaluation of the multiplane method for efficient simulations of reaction networks

    Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham and Raz Kupferman

    Physical Review E, 76, 26703-12


    Analysis of the multiplane method for stochastic simulations of reaction networks with fluctuations

    Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham and Raz Kupferman

    SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 6(3), 963-982



    Response to comment on Network link prediction by global silencing of indirect correlations

    Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási

    Nature Biotechnology 33, 339-342


    ​Response to comment on Binomial moment equations for stochastic reaction systems

    Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham

    Physical Review Letters 112, 088902



    Proceedings of the Third International Winter School and Conference on Network Science


    NetSci-X 2017 

    Rami Puzis, Baruch Barzel and Erez Shmueli

    Academic Press - Elsevier

    Graph theory properties of cellular networks


    Handbook of Systems Biology – Concepts and Insights, Chapter 9.

    Baruch Barzel, Amitabh Sharma and Albert-László Barabási

    Springer Nature


    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 26/01/2025