ד"ר כרמית אלטמן

עמיתי מרכז
    קורות חיים

    Office Tel: 972-3-5318046; Mobile: 972-54-4597958

    E-mail: carmit.altman@biu.ac.il








    Bar Ilan University

    Linguistics (Cum Laude)





    Bar Ilan University





    Bilingual Autobiographical Memory across the Lifespan.


         Prof. Joel Walters






             2006              Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human  

                          Development Eshel  Association for the planning and development of

                          services for the aged in Israel

    .                                                                                                                       ~$ 1,500

    2004-2007    Bar Ilan University Presidential Fellowship                                $ 48,000

    2014-2018    ISF (Co-PIs Armon-Lotem/Walters/Altman) - Language acquisition and   

                         emergent literacy among preschool children with and without SLI from two           

                         bilingual disadvantaged populations                                           $ 188,000


    2014- 2016  Young Research Forum in Humanities and Social Sciences of the Israeli

                        Academy of Science and Humanities (Functional Linguistic, Language



    2016-2017  Scientific Conference Organization- ISF Workshop on Organizer (with Esther    

                       Adi-Japha, Sharon Armon-Lotem and Joel Walters) "Procedural and

                       declarative memory, language acquisition, and cognitive processes:

                       developmental trajectories and impairments in monolingual and bilingual

                       children"                                                                                40,000 $       


    2017-2018 Ministry of Education- Bilingualism, Language Impairment, and                                   

                      Socioeconomic Status: Impact on Emergent Literacy (Co-PIs Altman                         

                      /Armon-Lotem/Walters)                                                        42,750 $                   


    2018         Bar Ilan center of excellence research group. (with S. Armon-Lotem & J.   

                     Walters)                                                                                  14,250 $



    2004-2007-Research Assistant in Child Bilingualism, Bilingualism and Aging, Bilingualism, English Department, Bar Ilan University

    2007-1010- Project Manager (funded by BMBF-German Ministry of Education) Language acquisition in early childhood among Russian-speaking language minority children in Germany and Israel, Bar Ilan University/ZAS-ZAS Berlin

    2007-2008- Instructor in Language and Aging Department of English/Linguistics, Bar-Ilan University

    2009-2010-Instructor in Second Language Acquisition, Language Testing School of Education, Bar Ilan University. Instructor-Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Bilingualism, Talpiot College                                

    2010-2011-Postdoc Fellow, Clinical Research in Bilingual Aphasia, CUNY Graduate Center and Lehman College, Supervisors: Prof. Loraine Obler and Prof. Mira Goral

    2011-2014- Adjunct Lecturer- Hadassah Academic College, MA Program. Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Communications Disorders   

    2011-present. Lecturer, Early Child Development & School Counseling Programs, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University




    Ad-hoc reviewer: Aphasiology, American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Journal of Child Language, Applied Psycholinguistics



    Deputy Director of Bilingualism Matters

    Membership Secretary: The Israeli Organization of Cognitive Education

    Member: COST Action IS0804- Bilingual Specific Language Impairment

    Member: ILASH- Israel Association for Applied Linguistics                                                   


    University Activities 


    2018-Head of Open Day Committee, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University

    2017- Member, End of Year Committee, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University

    2014- Member, Annual Faculty Conference Organizing Committee, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University.  






    Multilingualism and multiculturalism Seminar

    Child Language Development 

    Early Child Language Development 

    Early Child Thinking Processes

    Normal Development

    Abnormal Development

    Systemic School Counseling

    Dealing with Diversity

    Learning Disabilities and the Brain

    Second Language Acquisition

    Language and Learning Difficulties

    Learning Disabilities- Counseling Interventions

    Language and Aging



    Early Child Thinking Processes and their promotion

    Cognitive Social and Language Development






    1. Bilingualism
    2. Language Development
    3. Language Disorders
    4. Multiculturalism




    Related Experience


    2007-2008       Diagnosis and Treatment of Learning Disabilities, Nitzan Center for   

                            Learning Disabilities

    2007-2009       Speech and language training with patients with aphasia,

    Beit Loewenstein Hospital and Rehabilitation Center



    Ph.D student

    Sveta Fichamn (with Prof. Joel Walters) Narratives investigation among bilingual children with and without SLI


    Karen Rose (with Prof. Sharon Armon-Lotem)


    M.A. student

    Tamara Goldstein (with Prof. Yaacov Yablon). Vocabulary and metacognition among bilingual Russian - Hebrew bilinguals

    Chen Atara- Multiculturlism in mixed cultural marriages

    Peer Achituv-Moshe- Bilingual Narrative Intervention

    Hadar Abu- Narratives in AH and RH

    Nirit Sayag (with Prof. Sharon Armon-Lotem) - Language profiling in children with Intellectual disability




    Articles in Journals

    Fichman, S., & Altman, C. (2019). Referential cohesion in the narratives of bilingual and monolingual children with typically developing language and with SLI. Journal of Speech, Hearing and Language, 1-20.


    Korat, O., Graitzer, Z., & Altman. C. (2019). Contribution of reading an e-book with a dictionary to word learning: Comparison between kindergarteners with and without SLI. Journal of Communication Disorders.



    Altman, C., Goldstein, T. & Armon-Lotem, S. (2018). Vocabulary, metalinguistic awareness and language dominance among bilingual preschool children. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1953.


    Raichlin, R., Walters, J. & Altman, C. (2018). Some wheres and whys in bilingual codeswitching: Directionality, motivation and locus of codeswitching in Russian-Hebrew bilingual children.  International Journal of Bilingualism, 13(1), 91-109. doi.org/10.1177/1367006918763135


    Lifshitz, H., Shnitzer, Sh., Verkuilen, J & Altman, C. (2018). Crystallized and fluid intelligence of university students with intellectual disability who are fully integrated versus those who studied in adapted enrichment courses. PLOS ONE.


    Fichman, S., Altman, C., Voloskovich, A., Armon-Lotem, S., & Walters, J. (2017). Story grammar elements and causal relations in the narratives of Russian-Hebrew bilingual children with SLI and typical language development. Journal of Communication Disorders, 69, 72-93.

    Altman, C., Goldstein, T., & Armon-Lotem, S. (2017). Quantitative and qualitative differences in the lexical knowledge of monolingual and bilingual children. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 1-24.

    Altman, C., Armon-Lotem, Sh., Sveta Fichman & Joel Walters. (2016). Macrostructure, microstructure and mental state terms in the narratives of English-Hebrew bilingual preschool children with and without SLI. Applied Psycholinguistics 37(1), 165-193 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0142716415000466

    Neumann, Y., Walters, J., & Altman, C. (2016). Codeswitching and discourse markers in the narratives of a bilingual speaker with aphasia. Aphasiology, 31(2), 221-240.


    Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Yitzhaki, D., Armon-Lotem, Sh., & Walters, J. (2014). Family language policies, reported language use and proficiency in Russian-Hebrew bilingual children in Israel. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(3), 216-234.  


    Altman, C. (2014). Two Measures of Bilingualism in the Memories of Immigrants  

    and Indigenous Minorities: Crossover Memories and Codeswitching. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research.


    Altman, C., Goral, M. & Levy, E. (2012). Integrated narrative analysis in multilingual aphasia: The relationship among narrative structure, grammaticality and fluency. Aphasiology, 26 (8), 1029-1052.


    Armon-Lotem, Sh., Gagarina, N., Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Gordishevsky, G., Gupol, O. & J. Walters. (2008). Language acquisition as a window to social integration among Russian language minority children in Israel. Israel Studies in Language and Society, 1, 155-177.



    Armon-Lotem, S & Altman, C. (in press). Bilingualism; The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders; Jack S. Damico, Martin J. Ball


    Chapters in Books

    Altman, C., Gil, M., & Walters, J. (2012). Language choice in bilingual aphasia- Memory and Emotions. In M. Gitterman, M. Goral, M. & Obler, L.K. (eds.) Aspects of Multilingual Aphasia. (pp. 171-186)  Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.


    Altman, C., Schrauf, R. & Walters, J. (2012). Crossovers and codeswitching in the investigation of immigrant autobiographical memory. In L. Isurin & J. Altarriba (eds.), Memory, language, and bilingualism: Theoretical and applied approaches.(pp. 211-235) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C. Burstein-Feldman, Zh., & J. Walters. (2013). Sociolinguistic aspects of the language of immigrant children. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.


    Yizhaki, D., Altman, C., Feldman-Burstein, Zh., Cohen, L. & Walters, J. (2013). Indigenous and Immigrant Identities in Multilingual Israel: Insights from Focus Groups and Discourse Analysis. In Du Bois, I. & Baumgartner, N. (eds) Multilingual identities: New global perspectives on immigrant discourse. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. (pp. 137-172)


    Gagarina, N., Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C., Burstein-Feldman, Zh., Klassert, A., Topaj, N., Golcher, F., & Walters, J. (2014). Age, input quantity and their effect on linguistic performance in the home and societal language among Russian-German and Russian-Hebrew preschool children. In Silbereisen, R.K., Titzmann, P.F. & Shavit, Y. (eds.), The challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany (pp. 63-82). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.


    Walters, J., Armon-Lotem, S., Altman, C., Topaj, N. & Gagarina, N. Language Proficiency and Social Identity in Russian-Hebrew and Russian-German Preschool Children (2014). The challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany. In Silbereisen, R.K., Titzmann, P.F. & Shavit, Y. (eds.), The challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany (pp. 45-62). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.


    Armon-Lotem, S., Joffe, S., Oz-Abutbul, H., Altman, C., Walters, J. (2014). Ethno-linguistic identity, language exposure and language acquisition in bilingual preschool children from English and Russian- speaking backgrounds. In Theresa Gruter & Johanne Paradis (Eds.). Input and Experience in Bilingual Development. TILAR Series, John Benjamins.



    Papers presented at scientific conferences

    1.Altman, C. 2004. The reminiscence bump in Bilingual Autobiographical Memory among immigrants to Israel. From Neuron to Mind: Inaugural Conference in Brain Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.


    2.Altman, C. 2005. Crossover memories and codeswitching in bilingual immigrant memory. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB5), Barcelona.


    3.Altman, C. 2005. Bilingual Autobiographical Memory across the lifespan. Young Researchers Conference in Brain Science Research. Ein Gedi, Israel.


    4.Altman, C. & Schrauf, R.W. & Walters, J.  2006. Autobiographical Memory in mature English-Hebrew and Hebrew-English bilinguals. “Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: Consequences for a Multilingual Society.” Toronto, Canada.


    5.Altman, C. 2006. Bilingual Autobiographical Memory in English-Hebrew and Hebrew-English bilinguals. Brain and Language Forum, Gonda Interdisciplinary Research Center, Bar-Ilan University.


    6.Walters, J., Altman, C., Feldman-Burstein, Z., Gupol, O. 2007. Frequency, function and appropriateness of discourse markers in second language acquisition. Georgetown University Roundtable (GURT) on Languages and Linguistics: “Little Words: Their History, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and Acquisition.” Washington, DC.


    7.Altman, C. 2007. Bilingual autobiographical memory in immigrants across the lifespan. Research Consortium “Migration and Societal Integration” German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Luckenwalde, Germany.


    8.Altman, C. 2008. Codeswitching as an identity indicator in bilingual narratives. Georgetown University Roundtable (GURT) on Languages and Linguistics: “Telling Stories: Building Bridges among Language, Narrative, Identity, Interaction, Society and Culture.” Washington DC.


    9.Altman, C. 2008. Language acquisition, immigration and social integration in early childhood. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Workshop. Jena/Dornburg, Germany.


    10.Altman, C., Gil, M. Goral, M. & Walters, J. 2009.Does emotional memory influence the Quality & Quantity of Speech In Bilingual Fluent Aphasia? International Association of Logopedics, Cyprus.


    11.Altman, C.2011. Bilingual Autobiographical Memory in Aphasia. Multilingual Aphasia Workshop. Lehman College, City University of New York. September, 2011.


    12.Altman, C. & Walters, J. 2011. Codeswitching in narratives as an indicator of identity in American-Israelis. Core of Identity – the Essence of Conflict. Conference on “Who is an Israeli?” Department of Sociology, Bar-Ilan University. (Hebrew)  


    13.Altman, C., Meir, N., & Walters, J. 2011. Story retelling in Russian–Hebrew speaking children ages 5–6 , 5th IS0804 COST Meeting (Bi-SLI), Malta, November 2011. 


    14.Altman, C., Goral, M. & Levy, E. 2012. Narrative analysis in multilingual aphasia. Multilingual and Multicultural and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem. 


    15. Joffe, S., Meir, N., Altman, C., Farby, S., Kogan, N., & Walters, J. 2012. Macrostructure, mental states and comprehension in English–Hebrew and Russian–Hebrew 5 year olds, 6th IS0804 COST Meeting (Bi-SLI), Berlin.


    16. Raveh, M., Altman, C. & Obler, L. 2013. Cross-language Generalization: Always?  Sometimes? Not at all? Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.


    17.Altman, C., Burstein, Zh., Yitzchaki, D., Armon-Lotem, Sh. & Walters, J. 2013. Family language policy and linguistic performance. Israel Association of Applied Linguistics (ILASH). Beit Berl.


    18.Altman, C., Raveh, M., Poulus, A., Walters, J. & Gil, M. 2014. Micro and macro-structure analysis of narratives in native and non-native speakers of Hebrew with and without aphasia. Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.


    19. Fichman S., Altman C., Armon-Lotem, Sh., & J. Walters. (September 2014). Ethnolinguistic identity in two immigrant groups in Israel. Paper presented at the international conference on Language Policy and Language Conflicts in the Contemporary  World, Moscow, Russia.


    20. Neumann-Werth, Y., Altman, C., Walters, J., Barroso-Walker, S., Rodriguez, J., & Gil, M. (November 2014). A case study of codeswitching and discourse markers in bilingual aphasia. Poster session at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Orlando, Florida. 


    21. Altman, C., Harel, E., Meir, N., Iluz-Cohen. P., Walters, J. & Armon-Lotem, Sh. (January 2015). Toward bilingual standardized L2 Assessment. Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.


    22. Goldstein, T., Altman, C., & Armon-Lotem, Sh. (January 2015). Vocabulary and meta-linguistic awareness in monolingual and bilingual pre-school children. Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.


    23. Altman, C., Armon-Lotem, Sh., Fichman, S., & Walters, J. (February 2015). Macrostructure, microstructure and mental state elements in the narratives of bilingual preschool children with and without SLI. Israeli Speech Hearing Language Association (ISHLA). Tel Aviv.


    24. Barroso-Walker, S., Rodriguez, J., Altman, C., Walters, J., and Neumann-Werth, Y.  Investigating  Fluency Markers in Bilingual Aphasia. Poster session presented at the QC Sigma Xi Research Day.  Queens, NY. April 2015.


    25. Barroso-Walker, S., Rodriguez, J., Altman, C., Walters, J., and Neumann-Werth, Y.  A Bilingual Aphasia Case Study of Fluency Markers. Poster session presented at the Graduate School and University Center Student Research Poster Day. New York City, NY. March 2015.


    26. Carmit Altman, Zhanna Burstein, Sharon Armon-Lotem, Dafna Yitzchaki & Joel Walters. Family Language Policy. Early Child development conference. Tel Aviv, Israel. December 2015.


    27. Carmit Altman, Efrat Harel, Natalia Meir, Peri Iluz-Cohen, Joel Walters & Sharon Armon-Lotem. On using bilingual norms with L2 monolingual screening tools. Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem. January, 2016.


    28. Carmit Altman, Efrat Harel, Natalia Meir, Peri Iluz-Cohen, Joel Walters & Sharon Armon-Lotem. Using bilingual norms with monolingual screening tools- Goralnik. Israeli Speech Hearing Language Association (ISHLA). Jerusalem. February, 2016.


    29. Fichman S., Voloskovich A., Altman C., Armon-Lotem Sh., & Walters J. (2016, January). Retelling stories in two languages: A macrostructure analysis. Hadassah multilingual conference, Jerusalem, Israel.


    30. Joel Walters & Carmit Altman. Codeswitching and Discourse Markers

    as means to compensate for Impairment of Fluency in Bilinguals with Aphasia

    and Schizophrenia. Gonda Medical School Talk. March, 2016.


    31.Fichman, S., Voloskovich, A., Altman, C., & Walters, J. (2016, June). Macrostructure in the narratives of bilingual preschool children with and without SLI. Literacy and Language Conference. Ramat Gan, Israel.


    32. Carmit Altman. Pre-literacy and linguistic schools in bilinguals with different SES. The Israel Association for Literacy and Language. Bar Ilan University, Israel. July 2016


    33. Fichman S., Altman C., Armon-Lotem Sh., & Walters J. (2017, January). Referential cohesion in the narratives of monolingual and bilingual children with typically developing language and with SLI. Hadassah multilingual conference, Jerusalem, Israel.


    34. Altman, C., Burstein, Zh., Joffe, S., Fichamn, S., Walters, J. & Armon-Lotem, Sh.. Language and Identity among Russian- and English-speaking Immigrant Groups in Israel.Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology among children. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem. (January 2017)


    35. Fichman, S., Altman, C., & Walters, J. (2017, January). Story grammar elements and causal relations in the narratives of bilingual preschool children with and without SLI. Israeli Speech Hearing Language Association (ISHLA), Jerusalem, Israel.



    36. Neumann, Y., Walters, J.,& Altman, C.. A Yiddish-English bilingual aphasia case study: Focus on discourse markers and codeswitching. Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology among adults. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem. (January 2017).


    37. Sharon Armon-Lotem, Carmit Altman, Efrat Harel & Susan Joffe. Challenges for using CELF-Preschool-2 for Heritage English as a minority language in Israel. ISB11, Limirick, June 2017


    38. Sveta Fichman, Carmit Altman, Sharon Armon-Lotem & Joel Walters Story grammar elements and causal relations in the narratives of Russian-Hebrew bilingual children with SLI and Typical Language Development. ISB11, Limirick, June 2017


    39. Tamara Goldstein, Carmit Altman & Sharon Armon-Lotem.

    Vocabulary and Meta-linguistic Awareness in Monolingual and Bilingual pre-school children. ISB11, Limirick, June 2017.


    40.Sveta Fichman, Carmit Altman, Sharon Armon-Lotem & Joel Walters Story grammar elements and causal relations in the narratives of Russian-Hebrew bilingual children with SLI and Typical Language Development. IASCL 31, Lyon, July.


    41. Carmit, Altman. Family language policy, reported language use ethnolinguistic identity and measured proficiency. Linguistic Colloquium, Bar Ilan University. January, 2018.



    42. Nirit Sayag, Carmit Altman, Heftziba Lifshitz, Varda Rosental & Sharon Armon-Lotem. 2018. Building a linguistic profile for children with Down syndrome. Multilingual and Multicultural Speech Language Pathology among adults. Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.


    43. Fichman, S., Altman, C., & Walters, J. 2018. Referential cohesion in the narratives of monolingual and bilingual preschool children with and without SLI. Israeli Speech Hearing Language Association (ISHLA), Tel-Aviv, Israel.



    44. Altman, C. & Armon-Lotem, Sh. 2018. How well do you know your letters? The impact of bilingualism and SES. Language and literacy development in multilingual and multidialectal contexts: Theoretical and applied perspectives. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.


    45. Altman, C., Burnstein, Zh.. & Goldfarb, K. 2018. Multilingualism and multiculturalism on campus. Scientific and societal contributions of research in multilingual and multicultural communities. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.


    46. Rose, K., Altman, C., & Armon-Lotem, Sh.. 2018. Toward bilingual norms. Bilingual SLI conference, University of Reading.


    47. Laure, Y., Altman, C. & Armon-Lotem, S. 2018.Which variables effect children's

    abilities to rhyme?. Literacy & Language Conference. Tel Aviv University, Israel.


    48. Altman, C.2018. So what is the story so far? Narrative analysis in bilingual children with and without DLD. TED Talk at the School of Education Conference. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.


    49. Nissim, Sh., Tal, D., Altman, C. & Lifshitz, H. 2018. Microstructure and macrostructure in the discourse of adults with intellectual disability & educational implications. Intellectual Disability Conference. Bar Ilan University. Ramat Gan.


    50. Altman, C., Lipner, M., Armon-Lotem, S., & Restrepo, L. 2018. Vocabulary and narrative skills following Bilingual Narrative Intervention (BINARI). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston.


    51. Fichman S., Walters J., Melamed, R. & Altman, C. (2019). Reference to characters in narratives of Russian-Hebrew bilingual children with typical language development and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Case, definiteness, and syntactic position. Hadassah Conference in Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural Populations, Jerusalem, Israel.


    52. Altman, C., & Fichman, S. (2019). Our story so far: Narrative abilities in bilingual children with typical development and with DLD. EUCLADIS, Tel Aviv, Israel.









    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 22/07/2024