ניתוח אותות ונתונים
Course number: 27-505 Lecturer: Prof. Izhar Bar Gad Second semester Hours: 2+1 h/w – 3 credit points |
Course goals Provide the basis for enabling the analysis of signals and data acquired in the various fields related to brain sciences.
Course topics |
- Signals & data in neuroscience
- Stochastic processes
- Poisson processes
- Single spike train
- Multiple spike trains
- Event related activity
- Neural encoding
- Neural discrimination
- Neural decoding
- Optimization
- Information theory
- Frequency domain
- Systems
- Filters
- Spectral analysis
- Wavelets
- Clustering
- Dimensionality reduction
- Independent component analysis (ICA)
Course Website: https://www.ibglab.org/courses
Course requirements
Homework submission, passing the exams
Final grade
Homework 50%
Two exams, 25% each