פרופ' אלון קורנגרין
- ראש המרכז לחקר המוח
- ראשי מעבדות מחקר
תואר ראשון בן-גוריון בנגב כימיה 1991
תואר שני בן-גוריון בנגב כימיה 1993
תואר שלישי בן-גוריון בנגב כימיה 1997
פוסט-דוקטורט מכון מקס פלנק פיזיולוגיה 1997-2001
מרצה אוניברסיטת בר-אילן 2001
מרצה-בכיר אוניברסיטת בר-אילן 2007
פרופ׳ חבר אוניברסיטת בר-אילן 2012
פרופ׳ מלא אוניברסיטת בר-אילן 2018
We study some of the basic yet still unresolved questions in neuroscience: How do neurons process information? What is the neuronal code at the cellular level? How does synaptic integration affect neuronal computation? To address these questions we combine electrophysiology of neurons in acute brain slices with techniques in computational neuroscience. Over the past decade, we have developed several computational techniques aiming at constraining numerical models for complex cortical neurons. Thus, our research has aspects from computer science, neuronal computation, biophysics, and neurophysiology. We are currently working on two primary projects that investigate various aspects of the general questions we are interested in.
Korngreen, A. and Priel, Z. (1994) Simultaneous measurement of intracellular calcium and ciliary beating. Biophys. J. 67, 377-380.
Tarasiuk, A., Bar-Shimon, M., Gheber, L., Korngreen, A., Grossman, Y. and Priel, Z. (1995) Extracellular ATP induces hyperpolarization and motility stimulation of ciliary cells. Biophys. J. 68, 1163-1169.
Alfahel, E., Korngreen, A., Parola, A.H. and Priel, Z. (1996) Purinergically induced membrane fluidization in ciliary cells: characterization and control by calcium and membrane potential. Biophys. J. 70, 1045-1053.
Korngreen, A. and Priel, Z. (1996) Purinergic stimulation of rabbit ciliated airway epithelia: control by multiple calcium sources. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 497, 53-66.
Korngreen, A., Gold’shtein, V. and Priel, Z. (1997) Realistic modeling of biphasic calcium transients in electrically nonexcitable cells. Biophys. J. 73, 659-673.
Gheber, L., Korngreen, A. and Priel, Z. (1998) Effect of viscosity on metachrony in mucus propelling cilia. Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 39, 9-20.
Korngreen, A. and Priel, Z. (1998) Mucus transporting cilia: A model system for investigating calcium signaling in electrically inexcitable cells. In: Cilia, Mucus, and Mucociliary Interactions. Marcel Dekker, NY, pp. 49-58.
Korngreen, A., Ma, W., Priel, Z. and Silberberg, S.D. (1998) Extracellular ATP directly gates a cation-selective channel in rabbit airway ciliated epithelial cells. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 508, 703-720.
Weiyuan, M., Korngreen, A., Uzlaner, N., Priel, Z. and Silberberg, S.D. (1999) Extracellular Na+ regulates airway ciliary motility by inhibiting a P2X receptor. Nature 400, 894-897.
Korngreen, A. and Sakmann, B. (2000) Voltage gated K+ channels in layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurones from young rats: subtypes and gradients. J. Physiol. 525, 621-639.
Silberberg, S.D., Korngreen, A., Ma, W., Uzlaner, N. and Priel, Z. (2001) Modulation of ciliary motility by Na+ In: Cilia and Mucus: From Development to respiratory defense. Marcel Dekker, NY, pp. 81-90.
Gensler, S., Sander, A., Korngreen, A., Traina, G., Giese, G. and Witzemann, V. (2001). Acetylcholine receptor- and -subunits tagged with green fluorescent protein are incorporated at the neuromuscular junction in vivo. Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 2209-2217.
Schaefer, A.T., Helmstaedter, M., Sakmann, B. and Korngreen, A. (2003) Correction of conductance measurements in non-space-clamped structures: 1. Voltage-gated K+ channels. Biophys. J. 84, 3508-3528.
Korngreen, A., Kaiser, KMM., Zilberter Y. (2005) Subthreshold Inactivation of Voltage-gated K+ Channels Modulates Action Potentials in Neocortical Bitufted Interneurones J. Physiol. 562, 421-437.
Peter, C., Korngreen, A. and Witzemann, V. (2005). Mutation of single murine acetylcholine receptor subunits reveals differential contribution of P121 to acetylcholine binding and to channel opening. Pflug. Arch. Eur. J. Physiol. 450, 178–184.
Keren, N. Peled, N. and Korngreen A. (2005). Constraining compartmental models using multiple voltage-recordings and genetic algorithms. J. Neurophysiol. 94: 3730-3743
Ma, W., Korngreen, A., Weil, S., Ben-Tal Cohen, E., Priel, A., Kuzin, L., Silberberg, SD. (2006). Pore properties and pharmacological features of the P2X receptor channel in airway ciliated cells. J. Physiol. 571: 503-517.
Gurkiewicz, M., Korngreen, A. (2006) Recording, Analysis and Function of Dendritic Voltage-Gated Channels. Pflug. Arch. Eur. J. Physiol. 453: 283-292
Schaefer, AT., Helmstaedter, M., Schmitt, AC., Bar-Yehuda, D., Almog, M., Ben-Porat, H., Sakmann, B. and Korngreen, A (2007) Dendritic voltage-gated K+ conductance gradient in neocortical pyramidal neurones. J. Physiol. 579: 737-752
Michaelevski, I., Korngreen A., and Lotan, I. (2007) Interaction of syntaxin 1A with a presynaptic voltage-gated K+ channel: a possible mechanism for modulation of synaptic integration. Pflug. Arch. Eur. J. Physiol. 454:477-494
Gurkiewicz, M., and Korngreen, A. (2007). A numerical approach to ion channel modelling using whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings and a genetic algorithm. PLoS Comp Biol 3(8): e169.
Segev D., and Korngreen, A. (2007). Kinetics of two voltage-gated K+ conductances in substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons. Brain Res 1173: 27-35.
Bar-Yehuda, D., and Korngreen, A. (2007). Cellular and network contributions to excitability of layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons in the rat PLoS ONE 2(11): e1209
Hurwitz, I., Ophir, A., Korngreen, A., Koester, J., and Susswein AJ. (2008) Currents Contributing to Decision-Making in Neurons B31/B32 of Aplysia. J. Neurophysiol. 99: 814–830.
Bar-Yehuda, D., and Korngreen, A. (2008). Space clamp problems when voltage clamping neurons expressing voltage-gated conductances. J. Neurophysiol 99: 1127–1136.
Pomp O, Brokhman I, Ziegler L, Almog M, Korngreen A, Tavian M, Goldstein RS. (2008) PA6-induced human embryonic stem cell-derived neurospheres: a new source of human peripheral sensory neurons and neural crest cells. Brain Res. 1230:50-60.
Bar-Yehuda D., Hana Ben-Porat, H., and Korngreen A. (2008) Dendritic excitability during increased synaptic activity in rat neocortical L5 pyramidal neurons European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 2183–2194.
Keren, N., Bar-Yehuda, D., and Korngreen, A. (2009) Experimentally guided modeling of dendritic excitability in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons. J. Physiol. 587: 1413-1437.
Almog, M. and Korngreen, A. (2009) Characterization of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons from rats PLoS ONE, 4:e4841.
Regev N, Degani-Katzav N, Korngreen A, Etzioni A, Siloni S, Alaimo A, Chikvashvili D, Villarroel A, Attali B, Lotan I, (2009) Selective Interaction of Syntaxin 1A with KCNQ2: Possible Implications for Specific Modulation of Presynaptic Activity. PLoS ONE 4(8): e6586.
Bronfeld M, Belelovsky K, Erez Y, Bugaysen J, Korngreen A, Bar-Gad I. (2010) Bicuculline induced chorea manifests in focal rather than globalized abnormalities in the activation of the external and internal globus pallidus. J Neurophysiol. 104(6):3261-75.
Bugaysen J, Bronfeld M, Tischler H, Bar-Gad I, Korngreen A. (2010) Electrophysiological characteristics of globus pallidus neurons. PLoS One 5(8): e12001.
Tischler, H., Wolfus, S., Friedman, A., Perel, E., Pashut, T., Lavidor, M., Korngreen A., Yeshurun, Y, Bar-Gad, I. (2011) Mini-coil for magnetic stimulation in the behaving primate, J. Neurosci Methods. 15; 194(2): 242-51.
Gurkiewicz M, Korngreen A, Waxman SG, Lampert A. (2011). Kinetic Modeling of Nav1.7 Provides Insight Into Erythromelalgia-associated F1449V Mutation. Journal of Neurophysioloy 105(4): 1546-57.
Pashut, T., Wolfus, S. Friedman, A., Lavidor, M. Bar-Gad, I. Yeshurun, Y., and Korngreen A. (2011) Mechanisms of magnetic stimulation of central nervous system neurons. PLoS Computational Biology 7(3): e1002022
Bugaysen J, Bar-Gad I and Korngreen A (2011). The impact of stimulation induced short-term synaptic plasticity on firing patterns in the globus pallidus of the rat. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 5:16.
Berger, U., Korngreen, A., Bar-Gad, I., Friedman A., Wolfus, S., Yeshurun, Y., and Lavidor M. (2011) Magnetic stimulation intensity modulates motor inhibition. Neuroscience Letters. 504(2): 93-7.
Ben-Shalom R, Aviv A Razon, B. and Korngreen A. (2012) Optimizing ion channel kinetics using a massively parallel genetic algorithm on a graphical processing unit. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 15;206(2):183-94
Tischler, H. Moran A, Belelovsky K, Bronfeld M, Korngreen A, Bar-Gad I. (2012) Changes in basal ganglia processing of cortical input following magnetic stimulation in Parkinsonism Neurobiology of disease 48, 464-473
Ben-Shalom R, Liberman G, Korngreen A. (2013) Accelerating compartmental modeling on a graphical processing unit. Front Neuroinform.18;7:4.
Korngreen A.(2017) Visualizing fundamental neuronal computation for life science students. Adv Physiol Educ.41(2):312-314
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 03/07/2022